Enhance your body awareness with gentle and holistic body treatment!

The body remembers….. All the experiences we gain throughout life can leave a smaller or larger mark on our body in the form of tensions, pains, and other blockages that we may not necessarily be aware of. It can be a physically uncomfortable experience like breaking a toe, undergoing surgery, or experiencing a concussion. However, unresolved emotions from grief, loss, or trauma can also manifest in the body.
The era we live in also affects our health. Stress, burdens, unwritten ideals, intake of medication, alcohol, sugar, additives, etc. – all of these can further burden our body.

Psychomotor manual treatment can, in a gentle and respectful manner, help release these blockages and cleanse. Some may experience deep physical and muscular relaxation, some a powerful flow of energy, and others perhaps emotional release. The time invested in oneself preventively and by keeping the body in shape often pays off many times over by avoiding many diseases and other ailments later on. The treatment is suitable for both adults and children, with its main purpose being increased well-being, thriving, and resilience.

Gentle Form of Treatment

Psychomotor manual treatment is a gentle form of treatment practiced by trained psychomotor therapists, and it takes place fully clothed. The treatment involves gentle and delicate grips, stretches, and movements – and with full respect for the clients’ boundaries!

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These grips affect the body’s nervous system, blood, and lymph circulation. This results in relaxation of the entire body, not just one specific area. Additionally, all cells in the body receive more nourishment and energy, and they are cleansed of waste products.

During the treatment, the connective tissue (fascia) surrounding every muscle fiber is affected. Many nerve receptors are present in the connective tissue and muscles. These are small cells that receive signals from pressure, stretch, movement, etc., and transmit them to the brain.
By influencing these receptors with gentle and delicate grips, the focus is on working with the nervous system more than with the muscles locally. Additionally, touch positively influences the nervous system.
You can compare this to the therapist kindly asking the brain to send a signal to the entire body to relax, instead of forcing one muscle, one specific area to do so.

When the therapist communicates with your body via your entire nervous system in this gentle way, your body changes the ineffective habits it has developed, such as constantly walking with shoulders hunched or slouching in the back – and the effect is lasting. Relaxation occurs throughout the entire body.

During and immediately after the treatment, you may feel some positive effects, such as a sense of lightness, relaxation, and well-being. The effect increases and prolongs with repeated sessions. There is no therapy in the world that can, in one go, and once and for all, “fix” you 100% for all the conditions accumulated over a long time. It would otherwise be so easy! But the reality is that you have to actively work to change something, and it usually takes time. Habits need time to change.

Holistic Approach

Psychomotor therapy is a holistic therapy. It works from the perspective that the body, mind, and daily life are interconnected and mutually influence each other.

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For example, social challenges at work or in the family can affect your mental state, which can then affect the body to develop tensions or pains.
Conversely, something physical, such as pain, can make you upset or resigned, and your energy for family or work diminishes.
Moreover, the spiritual aspect is taken into account as an important aspect of the individual.
The renowned body psychologist A. Lowen believes that the body and the spiritual are closely connected, and that the body is directly the “earthly form of the soul.” Real spiritual development is impossible if full contact with and awareness of the body are not established, and when the body is filled with suppressed and repressed emotions. Therefore, the spiritual aspect can also be addressed through body therapy.
The psychomotor therapist will always consider both your body, thoughts, feelings, behavior, and surroundings so that you can find the best way to initiate changes.

Body Awareness and Active Participation

It is important to mention that psychomotor therapy is not a passive “fix me” method but a method where your involvement is considered the most important factor for successful treatment and permanent changes.
The key concept here is Body Awareness. Through the treatment, you train your awareness of your own body and its functions, habits, and patterns. You also increase your ability to sense the body and its natural signals, as well as to respond appropriately to them.

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You will, therefore, often be asked what you feel, how a particular grip feels, etc. The therapist will strive to sharpen your attention to bodily processes and sensations you experience during the session. This helps you to establish a better connection with your body so that you actively participate in your own changes. After all, that’s what gives you the best result!
The treatment initiates a healing process, but the sustained effect depends more on your conscious “work” between sessions. Therefore, you will usually (in longer courses) be given a “homework assignment.” It could be a physical exercise or a mental task, such as observing your thoughts in a specific situation.


Body Awareness and Active Participation increase your self-awareness. That is, you become more aware of your own emotions, opinions, values, priorities, needs, and boundaries. Additionally, you become aware of your own automatic reactions and can thus break negative patterns that may hinder a happy unfolding of life.

READ MORE ABOUT: How body awareness and active participation can help you take control of your health!

What Psychomotor Therapy is Not:

  • not a quick fix method
  • not a “I heal you” method
  • not an “alternative treatment”
  • not massage

How the Treatment Works

The treatment is based on the reason for your visit. However, you will find that the treatment covers the entire body during each session. Partly because the whole nervous system is worked with, as mentioned earlier. Partly because pain or tension in one place is often connected to other areas of the body. A session lasts 60 or 90 minutes (see prices) and takes place fully clothed.

The treatment always includes:

  • Initial conversation
  • Manual treatment
  • Possible exercise
  • Final conversation

There are two directions of manual treatment worked with at this clinic:

General relaxation and well-being:

If you only want relaxation and well-being, you do not need to commit to a course. You can book individual sessions as needed and just come and enjoy deep relaxation and quality time for yourself.

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Here, there will be minimum education, correction, and exercises. There will also NOT be an opportunity for longer conversations.

A brief conversation
Manual treatment on the treatment table
A brief final conversation


A specific physical or mental reason for seeking treatment:

This type of treatment will usually require a course of 5-10 sessions. After the first treatment, if you decide to engage in a course of treatment, the first 3 sessions can be scheduled. We will reassess afterward and agree on the remaining sessions if needed.

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This type of treatment will involve filling out a journal at the first meeting, as there will be a need to thoroughly address the history of symptoms, your life situation, and other important factors to form a holistic picture. There will also be more educational elements, corrections in the form of exercises, and the possibility of longer conversations if the need arises.

Initial conversation
Manual treatment on the treatment table
An exercise (physical or mental)
A final conversation

Throughout the course, a series of exercises tailored to your body, rhythm of life, and needs will be developed so that you can create and control your own changes and improvements.

Practical Information:

  • Treatment takes place fully clothed. Read more
    However, it requires that the clothing is soft, comfortable, and preferably covers the entire body (long pants, long sleeves). If you come for treatment right after work or during breaks, it is recommended to bring a change of clothes.
    NOTE: Jeans are a NO GO! The body will not be able to relax properly, and the grips will not penetrate through that kind of fabric, which can limit the effectiveness of the treatment.
  • Ethics during therapy. Read morePsychomotor therapy is a state-recognized bachelor’s degree. Therefore, we, like other health professions, have the right to keep records and notes, which can be shown to the client if desired. Additionally, we have confidentiality regarding personal information, and we are subject to a duty to report.

After the Treatment

The body treatment initiates a process that enables the body to regain its self-healing powers and restore balance. It is neither unscientific nor mystical that the body has self-healing properties. Just look at how a wound heals completely on its own. 

After a treatment, you will usually experience well-being and inner peace. Some reactions may occur, which is a natural process after treatment. You might experience that the body and mind react differently than usual, especially after a period of, for example, stress or illness. Examples of reactions could be various physical sensations, thoughts/ideas, emotions, memories, etc., and they indicate that your entire organism is optimizing its functions and creating balance. This is simply a sign that the treatment has set something in motion.

A good idea is to take it easy for the rest of the day and drink more water than usual. Warm water, in particular, is beneficial. This facilitates the elimination of the body’s waste products.